Lonicera periclymenum

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Wirkstoffe ‎: ‎Dichlobenil Grundkörper Reingehalt:. Casoron G – Pitchcare – AnyFlip online. The active ingredient, dichobenil, is released and . Wee Planting Year, Fruiting Year. Pre-Plant, Early Spring, Fall.

Annual grasses and broadleaves.

Per questo prodotto non è disponibile materiale da scaricare. This granular herbicide works by . DICHLDBENIL W~~D AND GRASS KILLER. CAUTION: KEEP OUT OF THE REACH . LB WATER G DORMANT 69.

Your sul)~issio~ datrid Sept. Lantbrukshoegskolan, Alnarp (Sweden)) . No risk management necessary to protect wild mammals and birds.

Many pesticides are available in dust form, e. Anvendelse: Udstrøes ved lav temperatur på fugtig jord før regn. Enjoy the Lilly Miller lb. CASORON G CROMPTON UNIROYAL CHEMICAL REGISTRATIONS LTD UK. Type de produit : PPP.

Common name of active ingredient. For use only as a Horticultural and Aquatic Herbicide. Pris (senest opdateret) Ingen oplysninger. Company Identification. Više nije na popisu dozvoljenih sredstava za . This pesticide is used as a: HERBICIDE TERRESTRIAL.

G in young sweet cherry plantations. A field experiment was conducted in a . Herbicida sistémico y residual para el control de malezas gramíneas y de hoja ancha en los cultivos indicados en el cuadro de . We have a large yard. Is there a weed control product (Caseron) that lasts a year ? If so, which month is best to apply?

The Caseron does not last an entire year. Umhverfisstofnun mælir .