Lantana camara

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Lantana camara – Jardin Agronomique Tropical. This plant has medium severity poison characteristics. Growth Habit: Shrub Vine.

Network (APFISN) has been established as a response to the immense costs and. All parts of the plant are poisonous if eaten and can cause: vomiting .

Zone ‎: ‎to Spread ‎: ‎1. A rough-textured and usually prickly shrub with oppositely arranged leaves. Foliage: Leaves are ovate and opposite along the square stem. Taxonomic Rank: Species. Yellow sage, lantana , sage tree.

Shrubs with long weak branches, armed with stout recurved prickles, pubescent. Ingestion of lantana foliage by. Fin read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate.

Faculty of Veterinary Science. Skill Level: Experienced Exposure: Full sun. Fire, sometimes recommended as a . The record derives from . A taxonomic species within the family Verbenaceae – common lantana.

SPANISH ‎: ‎Coronitas, Cinco negritosm VIETNAM ‎: ‎C(aa)y tr(aa)m (oor)i, C(aa)yb(oo)ng. CHINESE ‎: ‎Ma-ying Tan. Primera página de la especie Inicio del sitio (Home). America – Venezuela and. It is hardy to zone (UK) 9. Origen y distribución 3. Includes herbaceous plants . Citation for this treatment: Dieter H. Aluísio Marques da Fonseca, Antônia M. It has a profound economic and . A variable species ranging from small compact garden specimens to larger weedy scrambling shrubs to 2m.

Photographer: Hans Erik Svart.

Open original picture Download. In the colour variant selected for the present study, pink buds, yellow . Stems and leaves are covered with hairs .