It Has Protective, Curative And Eradicate Action Against Powdery Mildew Disease. It contains meptyl dinocap as the active ingredient. CHEMICAL NAME: A mixture of 4-dinitro-6-octylphenyl crotonates and 6-dinitro-4-octylphenyl . It has protective, curative and eradicant action against powdery mildew disease. KARATHANE is systematic fungicide. For general directions see back panel ROSES-(Outdoor, including rosa multiflora )—Powdery mildew, red spider mite.
Bağda küllemeye karşı tek aktifle mükemmel kontrol. Micronized wettable sulfur. Data di revisione: 29. DOW AGROSCIENCES ITALIA S. EMULSIONE CONCENTRATA. Usos y dosis autorizados: USO.
Mert a szõlõ lisztharmat ellen ugyanolyan kitûnõ . FUNGICIDA ANTIOIDICO AD AZIONE. PREVENTIVA, CURATIVA ED ERADICANTE. Pro jaké rostliny a choroby je . Szerforma (formuláció).

Emulzióképző koncentrátum (EC). Ficha de dados de segurança conforme o regulamento (EU) No. Preventivni, kurativni in eradikativni kontaktni fungicid za zatiranje pepelovk v vinogradništvu. Izdelek ni na voljo v spletni prodaji. Categoría toxicológica: Grupo II.
Fungicida – Acaricida. Dow AgroSciences Chile S. Américo Vespucio Sur 10 Piso Las Condes, . Etiketa schválená: 24. Prípravok na ochranu rastlín pre profesionálneho používateľa. Postrekový kontaktný fungicídny prípravok vo. Clasificación toxicológica: Xn, N. Formulación: Concentrado emulsionable (EC).

Karathane New s preventívnym účinkom proti múčnatke viničovej.