Bijenplant, hommelplant, drachtplant. Bloeiperiode: juni-juli. Type of: smoke bush, smoke tree. Cotinus coggygria family. Wolno rosnący, kompaktowy krzew o purpurowych li.
Zobacz w e-katalogroslin. Zu Beginn des Winters verliert der Strauch sein Laub. In den Wintermonaten . The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a . Common name: Common Smoketree. Pronunciation: ko-TI-nus ko-GIG-ri-a.
Family: Anacardiaceae. It is hardy to zone (UK) 5. Habitats : Dry hillsides, rocky places and open. Utility friendly tree. Resistant to oak root fungus. A durable plant in poor soils . COTINUS COGGYGRIA Scop.

Aspecto general y detalle de hojas y flores. Rhus simplicifolia Salisb. Feuilles alternes, largement elliptiques, arrondies, . Partie distillée : Branches, feuilles. Other Scientific Names. Germany : Perückenstrauch, Gemeiner.
Vanjsko bilje › Grmlje drijen. Uzgojni oblik: širok i kompaktan listopadni grm visok 5-7 . Despite the common name of smoke tree, cotinus naturally grows as a large shrub, reaching ft. Taxonomic Rank: Species. Steckbrief – Gewöhnlicher Perückenstrauch. Deutscher Name : Gewöhnlicher Perückenstrauch Blattform : eiförmig Herkunft : Asien Wurzelsystem : Flachwurzler.

Floraison toute en légèreté, feuillage coloré : le cotinus . August bis September. This slow growing, open-crowned .