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Go to this record in the ACS database for more information. Excerpt form Conifers. Compact, this handsome tree is considered a dwarf for most gardens. It has a dense, oval form and very dark green, rigid needles, 3-½in.
List has been superseded. This name is in version 1. Technical guidelines for genetic conservation and use by European Forest . Todaro L, Andreu L, . Raw data and cores sample size. Residual chronologies.

A picturesque specimen of var. All the information associated to this invalid name can be found on the page of the . Lovely, densely branched tree growing to around m. The compact crown is ovoid to narrow oval and stays slender and . Geographic range in detail. Cones are a unique purple-blue. It does best in full . Kugelig und sehr langsam wachsende Zwergschlangenhautkiefer mit kräftig grüner Benadelung.
Der Zuwachs beträgt im Jahr etwa – cm. Augšanas apstākļi Latvijas klimatiskajās zonās: rietumu zona. Access the full text. Dakov M, Dobrinov I, Iliev A, Donov V, . A slow growing form of the Bosnian Pine. It forms a very compact shrub of rounded habit.

The rigid needles are short and a very . Deutscher Name, Bosnian Pine. Position, Steppes and dry forests. Substrat, dry to fresh, sensitive to .