Resembling Smaragd in form, it is suitable for yards. Narrow upright with dark green foliage. Often planted as a hedge plant. Medium green in the summer . Product Information : Striking, upright irregular form with congeste dark green foliage that turns purplish .
Demonstration Gardens, Dwarf and . Juvenile foliage has a very unique appearance on this upright, miniature conifer. Malonyana holub Arborvitae. Dark green color and a very open habit make this plant a distinctive conifer for . Click here to find out more. Learn more about Monrovia plants and best practices for best possible plant performance.
Wiek sadzonki : letnia.
Thick, dark-green foliage develops on tall, columnar stems. Flower Color is and blooms in. Hardiness zone 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 5a, . Partial Shade to Full Sun.
Původ: Odrůda vyšlechtěná na Slovensku v Mlyňanech na počátku 20. Vzhled: Úzce sloupovitá koruna, větve. Die Benadelung ist glänzend und dunkelgrün.
Silnie rosnąca, wąskokolumnowa odmiana uzyskana. Zobacz w e-katalogroslin. Deutscher Name, Abendländischer Lebensbaum. Laub, dunkelgrün, fächerartig. Position, Hecken und Strauchflächen.
Substrat, feuchte, nährstoffreiche Böden, . Description: Very narrow column with glossy green foliage. A dwarf evergreen conifer with an upright irregular form.
Congested green foliage turns purplish in winter. Plants showcase unusual congested foliage which extends in a . A fast-growing, evergreen conifer with neat dense foliage and upright habit and conical form. Brabant, Degroots Spire,. Thuja occidentalis L.