Juniperus conferta Schlager. Ground carpeting habit. Rather dense green needles. Very suitable for rockery gardens. The bright silvery green prickly foliage is.
Size: tree juniperus conferta schlager – treejuniper schlager is a lovely dwarf growing, carpet building conifer. AddThis Sharing Buttons. Laub, needles lengths 5cm, dark green. Position, Heathers and dunes. Substrat, dry to fresh, medium nutrient, slightly acidic . Schlager is a German variety of shore juniper with fastinating silvery blue to blue- grey prickly leaves (needles).
It forms a dense groundcover at . Iglasty krzew okrywowy o intensywnie zielonych ig. Zobacz w e-katalogroslin. Restrained growth keeps this dense, rounded pine from outgrowing the landscaped border with little or no pruning. Small blue-green needles have distinctive . JUNIPERUS CONFERTA SCHLAGER – Le port est couvre-sol, aiguilles vert moyen et denses. Intéressant pour jardins de rocaille.

Augšanas apstākļi Latvijas klimatiskajās zonās: rietumu, vidus, austrumu . Click here to find out more. Hinweis: Lieferung 2-Werktage. Other products you may like: our daily . Beau conifère de petit développement, au port particulièrement rampant.
Feuillage de couleur vert bleuté persistant. Sol ordinaire, léger. Nano in crescita, moquette Building conifere. Habitus: Zwergstrauch. I cookie ci aiutano a fornire i nostri servizi.

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