He was an astute Plantsman with a particular passion for trees and. Pronunciation: KOR-nus FLOR-i-da. Flowering dogwoods, or cornus , are a delightful addition to the garden during the winter months.
Here are some of the best. Show All Show Tabs dogwood. While they all offer attractive . Understated until the colder months when it bursts into colour, dogwood is a broadleaf shrub which thrives in damp woodland. The cornus in this collection have been selected for their spectacular autumn and winter colour.
Adaptable and easy to grow deciduous shrubs, they are . Asiatic dogwoo cornel dogwood) is a . They are grown almost exclusively for . The genus also includes some species that are . Cornus florida rubra. It is hardy to zone (UK) 5. USDA hardiness : 5-Range : E. Asia – China, Japan, Korea Common Name : Japanese Dogwoo Kousa d. Click on the Scientific Name to see a Taxon Report. LIFE FORTree, Shrub FEDERAL . The leaves are alternate, acutely. Fabulous cornus shrubs come in a huge variety of colours, shapes and sizes.

Some are known for their fiery winter colour from their bare stems whilst . Quick-growing cornus provide a dark canopy in high summer – but be sure to avoid the garish pink varieties, says Dan Pearson. A large deciduous shrub that produces lots of shiny red berries, this fruit has long been used as a food crop as well as been loved by birds. Middle-aged Flowering Dogwood. Distribution Map to Right Counties in blue contain tree. The spring flowers are small and greenish and . This is a vigorous grower and has a form that is more spreading than . Pink- Flowering Dogwood.
In time they make a . White Chinese Dogwood. FORVase shape becoming rounde. FOLIAGE : Oval, dark green leaves become a s. From the Missouri Botanical Garden website, read the following about the kousa dogwood.

Soil pH : Aci neutral -basic alkaline Yield : 50Kg each summer at maturity USDA Hardiness Zone : 4-Native habitat : Woodlands, especially in calcar. Its green leaves and reddish . Fruit, See Seedling.