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Pianta idrofita radicante al fondo di acque stagnanti, risorgive, laghi o fiumi a lento corso. Originaria delle aree euroasiatiche e nordafricane, . Veronica beccabunga is a herbaceous perennial plant growing from a long, oblique, horizontal rootstock. The stem is generally branche . It is introduced to New England. The branching reddish stems of.
RHS Plants for Pollinators plants. This plant will provide nectar and pollen for bees and the many other types of pollinating . Show All Show Tabs European speedwell. Family: Scrophulariaceae. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligne which might. Huge range of seeds, bulbs and plants available.
Royal blue flowers on a rafting plant. Sent rooted in 9cm mesh basket. It grows on the margins of. Preferred Scientific Name. Common Name: AMERICAN BROOKLIME. Coefficient of Conservatis10.

Rounded fleshy leaves grow on creeping stems and pretty small blue flowers are borne in . Taxonavigation: Lamiales. Classification SysteAPG IV. SuperregnuEukaryota RegnuPlantae Cladus: . Nordic Crop Wild Relative (CWR) Checklist. Figures are generally photos, graphs and static images that would be represented . Practically all Europe and Mediterranean, Caucasus, Siberia, Central . Information on Brooklime.
This species is accepte and is native to Europe, Africa and Asia-Temperate. (Pokračování textu…)