Dracaena fragrans
The darker the leaves, the more shadow the plant can bear. The scientific name for the . Light : Moderate light, away from direct sunlight Watering : Water once the soil has become dry,. Dracaena deremensis).
Plantariuopen on-line atlas and key to plants and lichens of Russia and neighbouring countries. The dracaena corn plant (botanical name: dracaena fragrans massangeana) is a well known indoor plant which is grown in many homes and offices within the .
Although it may soar to . Lush, glossy green leaves create a contemporary tropical interior and help to improve your air quality. Division : Tracheophyta – vascular plants, trach. Kingdom : Plantae – plantes, Planta, Vegetal, p. Family (APGIII) : ASPARAGACEAE. Show All Show Tabs fragrant dracaena. Aloe fragrantissima Jacq.
English translation by Mario Beltramini. Common name: Corn Plant.
Send BASKET OF CORN PLANTS with a local florist through Flower Shop Network! Their fragrance is extremely strong, but very sweet and beautiful. The plant also excrete a clear sticky sap which drips off the flowers and flower stalks. (Pokračování textu…)