Astilbe fanal roots are a group of Late Spring, Early Summer flowering perennials with tall, feathery flower heads that rise up above dense . Plants, Seeds Bulbs. We have everything you need; from our wide range . Products – of – Botanical Name: Astilbe arendsii NZ $4. ONLINE SPECIAL OF THE MONTH! Astilbe – a perennial that provides delicate flowers in the spring. Erica (Heath) – a low-growing ground cover that requires hardly any . White astilbe blooms in a rain garden.
Perfect partners for Oxalis Iron Cross. Dicentra spectabilis £ 5. Kniphofia uvaria Grandiflora £5. Scadoxus multiflorus £4. Bees feast on creeping astilbe flowers.
A stone pathway encircles a bed. Coneflowers bloom in the front-yard garden. New Guinea impatiens . Page Fruit Trees, Page 12-Ornamental Trees, Page Magnolias, Page Hardgoods, Page Astilbe , Page 20-Shade Lovers, Page Orchids .