
Der große Vorteil dieser neu gefunden . Pečlivě balíme a garantujeme OK doručení či výměnu. Canes moderately vigorous, branching, spineless. Fruits very large, dark purplish-re very good . The tayberry is a hybridberry created by crossing blackberries and raspberries. Buckingham Tayberries are less ferociously spined tayberry plants.

The juicy, dark red fruits are sweeter . Provides an abundant crop of large, purple and deliciously sweet f. The shrubs of Tayberi trees look beautiful and produce an early and tasty berry. The variety of the spring of. Spineless variety with vigorous stout canes, and enormous berries resembling Loganberries, of excellent sweet flavour. Tayberry is a cross between blackberry and raspberry.
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Parentage: Raspberry x Blackberry. Fully hardy perennial. Bees And Butterflies . A cross between raspberry and blackberry with large dark red fruit and excellent flavour. Guaranteed best value, low prices, fast delivery, special offers. Thornless clone of the recent Scottish blackberry raspberry cross, renowned for the size of its berries and its rich tart flavour.
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