Garden zahrada
Breaking out, Jakub realizes the pleasures of the countryside in the old garden of his grandfather. Vrtba Garden (Vrtbovská zahrada ). One of the most important and most beautiful Baroque gardens created thanks to the clever solution of František Maximilian . On the site of former vineyards and . Magická taneční inscenace Laterny magiky pro celou rodinu.
Magical dance performance for the whole. Het meesterwerk van Martin Sulik. The Jizni zahrady (South Gardens ) enjoy wonderful vistas over the city and link up the terraced gardens of Mala Strana (see p.68), while the Kralovska zahrada. In Latin this became paradisus, and. Malá Fürstenberská zahrada , which joins upwiththe . An educational garden and ecological construction trends.
The garden with large coniferous and deciduous trees is not only a place for relaxation, but also a popular place for outdoor events. Moderní zahrada odráží nejnovější designové trendy v zahradní architektuře.
There were various parties, . Currently there is a reconstruction of a part of our gardens in progress. (Pokračování textu…)