Kochia scoparia

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Kochia scoparia

Caution: This plant can be toxic. Wildlife and Livestock: During early stages of growth,. Cultivated variety which maximises Autumn colour. Seekay please do contact us for further . Use, border, bedding.

Description, bushy plant with . Chenopodium scoparium Linnaeus, Sp. Accepted Manuscript – Manuscripts that have been selected for publication. They have not been typeset and the text may change before final.

Ingestion has caused poisoning . Summer-cypress is a Eurasian native introduced to North America. Schrad (kochia), have appeare . It has become an agricultural wee showing some herbicide resistance, but has . Family, Amaranthaceae. Common Names, summer or mock cypress, red belvedere. Eastern Washington, Eurasia.

Kochia scoparia

Japan by Taro Tsubomura. China and Korea as a medicinal herb for treatment of skin diseases, . The media could not be played. Please download for further reference.

Scientific name: Bassia scoparia (L.) A. Habitat: Grows well in climates with hot, sunny summers, and can receive as little as 1. Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness. Presented in Association with the. Western New Mexico University Department of Natural Sciences.

Kochia scoparia

However, it soon spread out. Burning Bush is an outstanding foliage plant . Kochia scoparia is ABA-independent. This is a must-visit for nature lovers. Eurasia and introduced as an ornamental to the Americas by . It offers beautiful, soft green foliage forming a dense bush.

Scoparia means like a broom. Author: The Morton Arboretum. Galitzer, Steven Jay.